Green Project #1: The International Conservation Fund of Canada

Terminal 3 Roasters wants to make a Difference.
Terminal 3 prides in sourcing coffee beans from all around the world and bringing what we think is best for the community. We understand that a lot of what makes our product great has to do with farming and the natural environment. We want to give back to what makes our product top notch, and we want to make some positive changes by starting locally.
To begin the new year of 2022, Terminal 3 Roasters would like to give back to our environment by donating $3 from every purchase of our coffee bean bags, either in-store or online, to the International Conservation Fund of Canada for the month of January. The International Conservation Fund of Canada strives to preserve nature and biodiversity across the globe such as land conservation, protecting threatened species, and marine conservation. After all overhead costs, The International Conservation Fund of Canada uses 93% of all the donations to their programs and causes.
We hope that our actions will also inspire many to donate to causes regarding nature and global warming, and ultimately be aware of our natural surroundings in general. We thank you again for everyone’s support and we wish everyone a peaceful and successful new year!